We have seven departments dealing with the collection and distribution of royalties and/or supporting these activities. Two of them are responsible for licensing, one department deals with documentation & distribution and the members services.
Director General
Director of Finance: JÓZSEF ÁLMOS BOGOS
- Finance and Controlling: Róbert Lovász (Head of Department)
- Core Business Finance: Gábor Lovász (Head of Department)
- Accounting and Facility Management: Erzsébet Páczi (Head of Department)
Business Transformation
Business Transformation Director: DR PÉTER BENJAMIN TÓTH
- HR Office: Emese Ondrikné Sági (Head of Department)
Legal Affairs
Legal Director: ESZTER KABAI
Information Techology
Head of IT Department: DR SÁNDOR GYŐRI
- Head of IT operations: Dániel Tálas
Members Services
Head of Member Services: DR ZSUZSANNA LORBERT
- Member Relations: Csenge Bánfalvi (Head of Department)
- Distribution: Noel Halász (Head of Department)
- Documentation: Györgyi Németh (Head of Department)
Public Performance Licensing
Head of Public Performance Licensing: DR MÁRIA FILÁK
- Branch offices: Tamás Király (Head of Department)
[email protected]
- Concerts and events: Andrea Szabó (Head of Department)
[email protected]
Media, Online and Mechanical Licensing
Head of Media, Online and Phonomechanical Licensing: DÁVID KITZINGER
- Online and Media: Zsófia Szöllősi (Head of Department)
- Private Copying and Mechanicals: István Sponga (Head of Department)