Songwriters – become a member

Society Artisjus is the association of music composers, songwriters, authors, writers, poets (their heirs) and music publishers. If you want to join us, please follow the steps described below and/or contact our Member Services.

Phone: +36 1 488-2666
E-mail: [email protected]

Joining Artisjus by registration is easy and takes only a few minutes. However, if you want to become a member, there are some requirements you have to meet.
Before meeting you have to schedule an appointment.

Phone: +36 1 488-2666
E-mail: [email protected]

Joining us

If you are not a member and want to join Artisjus, please fill in this form (available in English). As we need your signature to complete the registration and process, please print-off and sign the data sheet and send it to the following address for processing: 1016 Budapest, Mészáros u. 15-17.

Besides this registration form, It is highly recommended to fill in the copyright mandate form. With this step, you will be entitled to register your songs free of charge, and you will have the possibility to register for our online member services.

Become a full member

You are entitled to apply for full membership provided you were paid a certain minimum rate of royalty by Artisjus.

Music composers: 60 000 HUF

Songwriters: 120 000 HUF

Music publishers: 100 000 HUF

Writers, poets: 20 000 HUF

Once your royalty payments from Artisjus has reached this minimum rate you will be entitled to apply for membership in the next calendar year by sending in the membership application form (available only in Hungarian- you can ask for assistance at Member Services) to us for processing. Address: Artisjus, 1016 Budapest, Mészáros u. 15-17.

Benefits for full members

Whether you are a registered-only author or a member, you will benefit from accurate collection and payment of your royalties.

Extra benefits for full members:

  • health services for free
  • participation and voting right at member meetings
  • have the right to elect members of the representative bodies and also can be elected
  • after 3 years’ membership, joining the pension fund
  • have the right to receive data of heirs at a discount

Registration of your works

Before you register your songs or other musical compositions by filling in any of the below forms, please join Artisjus (for more information please read the first section of this page).

Find the work registration forms here.

First steps at Artisjus

Read our booklet for practical information.